Easy Invoice
App that has effcient multiple invoice and email templates to select after placing orders
Process Flow

- Salesforce Lightning App.
- Generate Invoice templates dynamically based on category.
- Send email alerts to users for reminding about Orders/Invoices.
- Generate Order summary to quick access summary about the Order.
- Reorder (Clone) functionality for Parent object with related child records Taxation to invoices.
- This app is easy to launch and configure.
- Easy to organize Invoices and Orders.
- Quickly create Invoices and Generate dynamic Invoice PDF.
- Keep track of hassle-free payments through email alerts.
How it Works
- Admin selects an Invoice and adds Orders to the Invoice.
- Admin select corresponding Invoice template and generates PDF.
- To Reorder click on Clone button in Order object.
- Click on Reminder button in Invoice list to remind users about their Orders/Invoice.
- An Email will be sent to corresponding user about the Order.
- To know about the Order click on Order Summary tab in Order object.