AlTask - Task Manager Application a native Salesforce (SF) app to manage tasks in a team
for both internal (SF) and external (non SF users) users in a user friendly interface.
Process Flow
- Salesforce Lightning App.
- Easily organize projects and tasks under different categories.
- Assign and track tasks.
- Users can update task status on the go.
- Manage external user's tasks with no extra licensing hassles and costs.
- Send email alerts to external users for task notification.
- Monitor tasks status on Admin page.
- The app is easy to launch and configure.
- Easy to organize projects and tasks.
- Quickly create tasks and assign to users with minimal clicks.
- Monitor task status in real time with instant updates.
How it Works
- Admin assigns tasks to users.
- Internal users will see their tasks in their login AlTask App Tab.
- External users will receive email with task information and options to update status in a hyperlink.
- User updates the status of the task.
- Admin gets the status updates in his/her AlTask App Tab.